Depression Counselling

Addiction Counselling

Anxiety Counselling

Mindfulness Courses

Corsham Counselling

Time for you

Welcome to Corsham Counselling and well done for taking the first step. You have recognised that your life or way of being isn’t quite what you want, but maybe you can’t put your finger on why that is or what is stopping you reaching a more comfortable and satisfying place. Perhaps you and others see you as having everything that constitutes a happy life, but you still feel worried, anxious or sad. Maybe you have experienced a recent bereavement or relationship breakdown that you can’t seem to see beyond.

How you want to be, not how you have become.

At Corsham Counselling we will look at how you manage what life brings and work through those areas that you find particularly challenging. Together, we will explore different ways of being and relating that you feel are closer to your true self. How you want to be, not how you have become.

Finding the balance between feeling fulfilled without tipping into overloading is tricky. It’s very easy to move from you controlling your workload to your workload controlling you. That overwhelming sense of no-longer being in control and the anxiety generated at the thought of dropping all those spinning plates is the only thing motivating you to keep going. But this is not sustainable, and the stress and anxiety generated can influence all aspects of your life and impact your physical health. Perhaps you have noticed that you are having more headaches, backache, tummy troubles or skin problems?

Together we will explore ways of changing your behaviour to regain control over your life and your time.

At Corsham Counselling you will be given the space to breathe, the time is yours. We will talk through what is causing you the most stress and look at those patterns of behaving that you find unhelpful. Together we will explore ways of changing your behaviour to regain control over your life and your time.

There are moments when we all feel sad and low. Events can trigger these feelings, but sometimes it’s hard to really put your finger on why you feel the way you do. Perhaps you find it hard to show sadness and feel it’s better just to put on a happy face in the hope that you will then feel happy on the inside? Perhaps when you do allow yourself to feel sad it pours out in floods or takes you to a dark and lonely place where it’s difficult to leave.

Having the opportunity to talk to someone, without judgement or the desire to rescue, can be transformational

Whatever you’re feeling and however you choose to describe it – anxiety, stress or depression, having the opportunity to talk to someone, without judgement or the desire to rescue you, can be transformational. A strong therapeutic relationship characterised by honesty, acceptance and empowerment, will provide the perfect conditions for change to be realised. As your counsellor, I will be there for you, and we will work together to find the best way forward.

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