Deciding to seek counselling is a really positive step to take, but understandably, you may have some questions.

If you’re interested in working with me, I offer an initial free of charge telephone consultation, which is also an opportunity to gain a better understanding of what to expect from the counselling process.

Below, I have produced a list of questions that I am often asked, along with some I have created based on things that have come up in the first few sessions with clients.

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

― Brené Brown

Will I have to do all the talking?

My aim is to create an environment which puts you at ease. Although I try to take up as little space as possible, I would not wish for you to experience the pressure of occupying what you may feel is too much. I will work with you to find a balance you are comfortable with and one that puts you in the best position to benefit from our work together.

What if I don’t want to talk about certain stuff?

The sessions are to benefit you, as is our relationship. Some weeks you will want to share more painful feelings and less comfortable aspects of yourself, and other weeks you may feel you want to keep it ‘lighter’. Often clients alternate between the two and this is a good and natural way to protect themselves. I will take your lead and only enquire further, or tentaively challenge, if I feel you will benefit.

How long will I need to come for?

I am happy to work on a time-limited or open ended basis. There a several factors that will influence the duration, including what you want to achieve from our time together and also financial considerations. If you feel for whatever reason you would like to end, you can let me know at any time and we will work towards a planned ending together.

Can I tell you anything?

Feeling safe to bring anything is key to the success of our relationship. Anything you bring can be shared with complete confidence that it will go no further and will not be received with judgement. The primary exception would be if I was concerned about your safety or the safety of others, at which point I would let you know and ideally gain your consent to share with other support services such as you GP.

I may also refer to our work in my academic writing, but the reference would be anonymised and I would gain your approval prior to including it.

Finally I may bring our work to supervision, which I have regularly with a professional Clinical Supervisor. The BACP Ethical Framework defines supervision as:

“A specialised form of mentoring provided for practitioners responsible for undertaking challenging work with people. Supervision is provided to ensure standards, enhance quality, advance learning, stimulate creativity, and support the sustainability and resilience of the work being undertaken.”

How long is each session?

Sessions are a standard 50 minutes and will be scheduled at the same time on the same day every week, unless otherwise agreed.

Can I book fortnightly sessions?

Evidence-based research studies demonstrate an association between weekly counselling sessions and positive outcomes for clients. This appears to be especially important in the first stage of therapy, when you’re building rapport with your therapist and beginning to get to the core of things.

If we have been working together for some time and feel that a reduction in frequency wouldn’t jeopardise our work and the momentum we’ve gained, I would be happy to discuss fortnightly sessions. If you are proposing fortnightly sessions from the beginning due to financial limitations, I would be happy to discuss options.

What are you qualifications?

I studied at Bath College of Psychotherapy and Counselling (BACP) for 5 years, starting with an evening class in Listening Skills and progressing onto a Foundation Certificate, followed by a further 3 years studying for a Diploma in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling which I was awarded in February 2023.

How much does it cost?

My session rate is £50, but I may be able to offer some flexibility if this is not affordable for you.

This isn’t a definitive list, so do drop me a line with anything that isn’t covered below using the form on the Contact Us page or by giving me a call.

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